Un/natural Fields
10.06.2018 godz. 21:00
Kolonia / Gdańsk
Un/natural Fields is a new project in which Michael McDermott and William "Bilwa" Costa juxtapose two solo projects, the organic imagined landscapes of the McDermott's Echozoo works in progress and Costa’s unnatural field recordings. Together they create an imaginary listening experience akin to magical realism.
McDermott and Costa will tour Europe in Spring 2018 and are booking tour dates now from May 21 – June 10.
Audio: https://soundcloud.com/bilwa/sets/un-natural-fields
Travel for Un/natural Fields Tour is funded in part by the Foundation for Contemporary Art / Emergency Grant.
(Un)natural Terrains
Composer / sound artist Michael McDermott is currently working on a multi-year sonic design project recreating the sounds of extinct animals and environment called Echozoo. Part of this project has involved extended artist residencies in North and South America, Europe and Asia field recording biophonic and geophonic environments for use in sound designing Echozoo. His hope with this project is bring a deeper awareness and connection through listening by imagining the sounds of creatures that no longer live on our planet. Part of the process involves performing and presenting evolving landscapes of these recorded and manipulated environments. The processing of these field recordings implements McDermott’s “Sonic Photography” techniques which include: filtering colors / density, transparency, space, modulation (time based), pitch, shape (edges), duration, augmentation, perspective. For concerts these techniques are applied real-time in an improvised performance.
unnatural field recordings
unnatural field recordings are recordings comprised of man-made, digital, analogue, and mechanical sounds, as well as many other incidental sounds, which make up a city's soundscape on metros and in public spaces. The palette of sounds is ever changing, and include recordings from various cities including: Istanbul, Mexico City, Shanghai, Beijing, Tokyo, NY, Berlin, Vienna, Prague, etc. William "Bilwa" Costa is a Berlin-based sound artist, experimental musician, performer, and composer.
Tickets 10 pln.