Koncert odwołany
W związku z zaistniałą sytuacją postanowiliśmy razem z muzykami przełożyć na termin późniejszy koncert który miał odbyć się 14.03.2020 Jan Wagner + Tobias Preisig.
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14.03.2020 | g. 20:00
Jan Wagner is a piano player, producer and sound engineer. He’s been playing the piano since the age of 5. With his personal work he explores a simplicity of expression, one that maximises the emotional truth of each composition. He’s fascinated by the music hidden beneath the surface: overlapping overtones, textures and the sounds created by the piano’s intricate mechanism (clicks, creaks etc). Over the years, Jan mixed a whole lotta records for Berlin-based techno label Ostgut, which might explain his inclinations towards minimalism and the unwavering commitment to a sonic efficiency and immediacy. He’s been working at the legendary Faust Studio Scheer, alongside Hans Joachim Irmler, for over a decade. He can also be often spotted at the Hitipapa Studio of Pola Roy and Judith Holoferenes. Jan’s debut record entitled Nummern will be released this coming October.
Tobias Preisig is a Swiss violin player – composer and improviser – based in Berlin. His music explores the intersections of experimental, ambient, a wide range of electronica, as well as neo-contemporary. He performs solo and is also one half of projects Egopusher (with Alessandro Giannelli) and Levitation (with Stefan Rusconi on church organ). Some of his recent collaborations also include Colin Stetson’s Sorrow, The Cinematic Orchestra, Dieter Meier and Jan Bang.